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Institutional Giving

Corporate & Foundation Support

Annual philanthropic contributions from our corporate and foundation partners make possible our programs and events for adults, families, educators, children and young people. We work hand-in-hand with our donors to tailor a sponsorship package advancing your charitable mission, as well as your public relations and marketing objectives.

For more information on becoming a corporate partner, please contact

The Museum is pleased to be included on the list of Educational Improvement Organizations to which businesses may contribute as part of the Education Improvement Tax Credit Program from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (EITC). This tax credit enables corporations to contribute to the National Liberty Museum and receive up to 90% state tax credit to offset the contribution.

“Tozour Energy Systems is proud to support the National Liberty Museum’s youth education through the PA EITC program. The NLM is providing our students with critical life skills that help them succeed academically and as contributing citizens to our democracy. For TES, investing in the National Liberty Museum and our kids is good business and good citizenship.”
-Kevin Duffy, President, Tozour Energy Systems, King of Prussia, PA

If your business is authorized to do business in Pennsylvania and pays any of the following taxes, then you can benefit from EITC:

  • Corporate Net Income Tax
  • Capital Stock Franchise Tax
  • Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax
  • Title Insurance Company Shares Tax
  • Insurance Premiums Tax
  • Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax

Even if your company does not pay income tax, many “C” and “S” corporations still pay the Capital Stock Tax. The application process couldn’t be simpler. Learn more and download complete EITC Guidelines, including an application.

For more information about how you can charitably support the National Liberty Museum, please contact Costantino Spinosa, Director of Museum Experience, at

FAQs: What can my company’s EITC contribution support at the NLM?

Your support enables us to offer the NLM’s flagship educational initiative at no charge to 4th-8th graders, teaching students civic leadership and empowering them to work together to foster long-lasting change in their school or community. Now in 20+ schools, Young Heroes is expanding across the Commonwealth.


Your support gives all students access to our in-person and virtual learning programs that bring liberty to life and highlight the incredible stories of ordinary people from around the world who have done extraordinary things in the name of freedom and equality.


Your support enables teachers to participate in our standards-aligned workshops exploring timely and critical liberty topics. Workshops are offered throughout the academic year and are delivered in a hybrid model, both onsite and via livestreaming.


Your support is vital in helping us to expand the reach of our cultural and educational programs to new audiences in Philadelphia and across our state.


Thu ‒ Mon: 10am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $12 Seniors (65+): $10 Students (with valid ID): $8 Youth (ages 6–17): $6 Children (under 5): No Charge Museum Members: Free

321 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19106 (215) 925-2800